Casa Mia Projects Ltd.
With over 25 years of experience in real estate and construction, Casa Mia Projects has assembled a team of experienced trades to build projects of high quality and standards. Recent successes include the communities at Parkfront Homes & Highgate Place. Every project is backed by the 2-5-10 year National Home Warranty.
Interface Architecture
Over the past 20 years, Interface Architecture have worked on a number of projects of varying scale. From mixed-use, commercial, industrial, institutional and residential Interface Architecture have proven time again their attention to detail.

Sutton Centre Realty - Jeff Chalissery PREC*
Sutton Centre Realty is a full service real estate brokerage with over 200 realtors in the office. Jeff Chalissery is the designated agent for the sales at Parkfront Terrace. Jeff Chalissery has successfully marketed and sold comparable developments in recent years. He is an award-winning realtor at Sutton Centre Realty with the following recent accomplishments:
2015 Diamond Award Winner
2014 Diamond Award Winner
2013 Platinum Award Winner
2012 Director's Award Winner
2011 President's Award Winner
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